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Why does Walmart make so much money?


Walmart is one of the biggest and most successful companies ever in the United States and it has taken over many industries that used to be the home of small business. Walmart is, for better or worse, one of the conglomerate kinds of the United States consumer goods industry and is a forced to be reckoned with.

So, how does Walmart make so much money?

Walmart makes so much money because it sells everything in one convenient place for people, and usually can sell those items for very low prices. Instead of going to 5 different small businesses for the things people need on their weekend shopping trip, they can save time and money going to one single megastore.

It’s obvious that this is so really convenient for people who don’t want to travel around all weekend looking for the things they need from different places. How amazing is that?

People can just go to Walmart to get all the things that they want from groceries to guns. Seriously, you can buy assault rifles and other types of guns at many Walmart stores depending on the laws on firearm sales of the state.

Walmart is able to maintain such low prices because they are notorious for paying minimum wage to as many staff as possible. A lot of employees will spend their paycheck at Walmart, meaning that the money never actually leave the company at all.

This is why Walmart is such a controversial thing in the American public consciousness. In many ways, it is the extreme ugly side of the consumerist culture that people are too addicted to move away from.

Anyway, there you have it. Those are the interesting reasons why Walmart is able to make so much money and be the dominant force it is today.

Written By

Coming from a background in logistics and company management, Renee is one of our most essential writers when it comes to an understanding of the less spectacular but highly necessary elements of a business. Renee can speak and write eloquently on a range of topics, including those that cover business management and motivation.



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